If (When, because you will), lose your healthcare

The ‘risk corridor’ in the Affordable Healthcare Act!


(When, because you will),

lose your healthcare,

Republicans call Obamacare.

Democrat’s call ‘Obama-Cares’.

And you do not blame the senator from Florida

(Senator Marco Rubio),

(Shame on you).

You are going to lose it if it did not happen yet!

Presidential hopeful Marco Rubio in 2015,

squished the ‘risk corridor’

in the

Affordable Healthcare Act!

Mind you,

he did not kill it

because it was not working

for the good of the people!

(A Republican),

killed it

because it

was working for the good of the people!

Long time Floridians have been screaming about this young, pompous, upstart, into your deaf ears for years!
Very few citizens of the United States of America

know this silent

destroyer of the poor, immigrants, and women and yet

he is a senator in our Federal Government?
Gerrymandering would be my guess, no, a fact!
Not many in the United States of America know the ‘governor of Florida’.
However, he is filling his coffer any way he can to try to UN-seat our
‘Best ever’ Senator Bill Nelson!


would be my guess,

no, a fact!

Marco Rubio Ad Says He “Killed Obamacare”


How Many People

Signed Up This Year
November 20, 2015 Marco Rubio has killed ObamaCare http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/11/marco_rubio_has_killed_obamacare.html