Welcome Shelagh Dillon,

Protocols for a Native American Naming Ceremony

Welcome Shelagh Dillon,

of the People of our everyday life website


To one of our many posting about our ceremonies.



Moiigans (Maïngan) News


Today it was this one


Sacred Naming Ceremony Protocol



Your group has been to our sites as a point of reference many times in the past.

I noticed today that you gave your group two links as to your in-put on your site.


And this is perfectly fine as long as no one in your group charges for our

“Free Information,”

In addition.


A Tripod site?

My only concern about this site is the fact that all of its information is from tribes west of the Mississippi river.

There is no problem with the information however; readers east of the Mississippi river might be a little confused.

In our years traveling around Indian Country, it was very noticeable as to the many same and differences in the culture and ceremonies in tribes.

This is understandable knowing the great distance between many of the tribes mentioned and the ones not mentioned.

For instance

Our people over on the east coast, if traditionalist will have three names.

One as a child to the culture, adopted or born into the tribe.

One used out in the public so as not to confuse the public.

This name could be any name Kiehtan see fit to place on the child.

This person will use this name for life, Kiehtan, friends and family will remember forever.

The third and the only one the really means anything to Kiehtan, is the

“Prayer Name”

given at the same time as the second.

The third name never spoken in public,

exception, at any of our ceremonies.

The first is usually given by an elder of the people to be changed by Kiehtan.

Names two and three, are given by Kiehtan and changed only by Kiehtan.


