Help Florida find Othal Wallace

Help Florida find Othal Wallace

Think about this ‘My Friends’ there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Othal Wallace’s running around in this country with criminal records that would put the fear of god in Hitler and Putin!

And worse yet, for every criminal there are ten (10), Ambulance Chasers (lawyers),without a heart ready to use this countries weak, watered down, laws written by crooked government officials, to get them off time and time again to continue with crimes against you the public!

Because of those weak laws written by your government offices, judges have no choice but to set criminals free!

Central Florida and the World News: Help Florida find Othal Wallace (

I am asking for continued prayers as Officer Raynor fights for his life.

Help Florida find Othal Wallace, however do not go near him just call him into the department’s emergency operations center at 386-671-5555.

 Here’s what we know about the injured officer | Body camera video shows Daytona shooting | $100,000 reward offered for suspect information | What we know about Othal Wallace]

Did you know that there are at least two types of

(Defund the police)?

Our First Responders need at the very least equipment to keep up with today’s criminal and for many reasons!

However not all ‘police and fire departments’ in this country need large military type equipment to sit and collect rust in their back yard

 ‘just in case’?

The 1st group wants to equip ‘First Responders’ with everything needed to protect you, your family, their town, city and/or state and also invest in  non-policing forms of public safety and community support, such as social services, youth services, housing, education, healthcare and other community resources.

The 2nd group only wants to tell you lie about what the 1st group wants in divesting funds!

Don’t believe this?

Take a few moments to listen to their lie because it is the same one over and over and over!

“Defund the police” is a slogan that supports divesting funds from police departments and reallocating them to non-policing forms of public safety and community support, such as social services, youth services, housing, education, healthcare and other community resources.

One thought on “Help Florida find Othal Wallace

  1. Pingback: Derek Chauvin/Othal Wallace | Shechaim's News of the Day

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