Senators teaching on how to get you cake and eat it too!

Massachusetts/Utah Mitt Romney made $83.8 million in the past three years, tax returns.


In 2017 Senator Marco Rubio voted for Mr. trump’s tax bill even though he thinks that maybe companies got too good a tax break?

Both begrudge your making a living for your family?

Republican Senator Marco Rubio Says Corporate Tax Cuts ‘Went Too Far’ (

Marco Rubio/Mitt Romney teaches on how to get you cake and eat it too!

In 2021 Sen. Marco Rubio is criticizing President-elect Joe Biden’s stimulus plan as overly ambitious.

Marco Rubio criticizes Joe Biden plan to tie stimulus checks to Democrat priorities (

Susan Collins’ Record on Tax Cuts Reveals She’s Working for President Trump and the One Percent, Not Hardworking Maine Taxpayers

Susan Collins’ Record on Tax Cuts Reveals She’s Working for President Trump and the One Percent, Not Hardworking Maine Taxpayers (

Take a good look at the ˈwiSHēˌwôSHē (Wishy – Washy), senator you sent to Washington?

In 2017 both Congress and the presidency were under unified Republican Party control!

Senate Majority Republican House Majority Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan (R)

GOP Senate candidate Mitt Romney made $83.8 million in the past three years, tax returns show

GOP Senate candidate Mitt Romney made $83.8 million in the past three years, tax returns show – Deseret News

Romney throws cold water on Biden’s $1.9T stimulus plan

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney tells CNN’s Dana Bash he’s open to discussing President Biden’s plan with the administration but that he thinks it’s too soon for another stimulus.

Wait What???????????