One of 535?

Today there are 435 members of the ‘House of Representatives’ and 100 Members of the ‘Senate’!
Are you telling me that of those (535 Members), only one is in ‘Fear of their God’?
In 2020 can we, the voting public, forget party and remember family?
Vote to hire employees and remove those crooks now infecting your government?
When was the first/last time you were at or watched a
‘ ‘National Prayer Breakfast’?

The Liar in chief is at it again!
Even at a prayer meeting he has no fear of
‘Your God’!

trumps prayer to his (little god from hell) at the ‘National Prayer Breakfast’ on Thursday,
while celebrating his (crooked, paid in full acquittal), in the Senate impeachment trial!
By attacking Democrats and a real religious person in
(Republican Sen. Mitt Romney),
who crossed party lines in voting to remove him from office,
because the (Real God), told him to do what is right!
By the way, Mitt Romney is a billionaire!
No one is giving him (Republican Sen. Mitt Romney),
any guff, because he earned his money (investments).
I do not know much about Mitt Romney’s religious belief,
(a little confusing for me).
I do however respect his profound faith!
The Liar in chief is at it again!
Even at a prayer meeting he has no fear of
‘Your God’!
‘National Prayer Breakfast’ (The religion of Mitt Romney is Mormonism.
It was the religion that Mitt Romney was born into, the religion
that Mitt Romney served as a missionary, and the religion
Mitt Romney eventually led as a Presiding High Priest).