Visalia, California

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“Go ahead take my guns”!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Who is it that is going to take Meghan’s guns?
(Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke)?
I stated this once and will state it again,
Meghan McCain is constantly stating,
“Go ahead take my guns”!
if this country’s first responders or the military,
wanted to take your guns, they will take your guns!
However Meghan,
you and your political party keep getting it wrong!
The only people that have wanted to take your guns or anyone else’s for that matter,
is the crooked, sleazy bags, too lazy to work for their money,
at no time in the last 30 years has anyone been trying
to take good honest citizens of this country weapons,
No Body!
People like Meghan McCain are so set in their ways,
thickheaded, block minded and childish,
notice that I avoided words like ‘Stupid’, saying take someone’s guns.
In 78 years on earth I can remember only person
(Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke)
other than trump and trump republicans saying
anything about taking someone’s guns!
This was because of another mass shooting
of unarmed citizens in his state by
‘White Supremacist’, ‘Nazi Loving’, ‘trump republican’
‘that everyone with a brain knows should never have a weapon!
(Again my friends)
If you get you weapons stolen because you were too lazy to lock them up,
if you are a seller of weapons and your inventory in stolen,
you do not deserve to own or sell weapons!
If you do not like that statement, lock up your weapons!