What is the Electoral College?

What is the Electoral College?

It is not 1776 anymore people!
1787 Article II, Section 1, Clause 3
1804 Greedy Politicians article!
It Is
2020 and way past time for real concerned citizens of the
United States of America to take back our country from
the socialist/communist form of government!
The antiquated Article (1787), was put in place by ‘Rich Businessman
(True Story read your history),
because at the time they assumed that the common people were
too stupid to think about the rights of those same stupid people!


This was replaced in 1804
because of the fear that the
Citizens of the United States are not ‘Stupid’!
the rich wanted to be sure that the rich stayed rich
on the backs of the poor and middle-class!
So, how’s that been working for the poor and middle-class’?
How’s that working out for, the rich in this country?
Think about this my voting American’s!
