San Luis Obispo, California

Welcome to the visitor from San Luis Obispo, California
While looking for information about a Gate Keeper in a ‘Native American Tribe’?
Native American Gate keeper?
If you believe, as we do, that your God (Creator), is the supreme creator of all things and is the only way to receive blessing from. Please feel free to enjoy anything that I have learned from my elders, now ancestor.
As you can see our ancestors never used those words while talking our ceremonies or culture.
Please keep in mind that your city is on the Pacific coast and Uncasvillage is on the Atlantic coast.
So with that said, you could try Indian Gate Keeper?
I am not trying to be funny or rude I just want to teach the difference between the Occult and my ancestors.
My ancestors only get on their knees and/or pray to Creator, the creator of everything and this includes the god’s of the occult.
Not using a word like gate might seem trivial to some. However, a gate usually mean restriction?
No ceremony in the culture of our ancestors and their descendents, yours truly included, restrict your visit with your Creator.
How can one be blessed if not from Creator?
Your god was created by Creator?
August 12, 2012
Questions and comments for information is always welcome.