Is Senator Bernie Sanders a con artist?


Is he just another 25 plus year, congress man with


‘new how-be-it’,

impossible wish list and a good gift to gab?

Senator Bernie Sanders is not the


He might be many things

however, outsider should be no part of that list

You be the judge

using his own words from his website.

“Always remember that he, an independent voter, voting with the democrats, as did his past three democratic predecessors, must deal with a republican controlled congress and judicial system that hates democrats and despises him!”

Yes, great plans if only it was a great world to try getting them done?

The American people must make a fundamental decision.

Do we continue the 40-year decline of our middle class and the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, or do we fight for a progressive economic agenda that creates jobs, raises wages, protects the environment and provides health care for all?

Are we prepared to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class, or do we continue to slide into economic and political oligarchy?

These are the most important questions of our time, and how we answer them will determine the future of our country.


Income and Wealth Inequality

It’s Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free

Getting Big Money Out of Politics and Restoring Democracy

Creating Decent Paying Jobs

A Living Wage

Combating Climate Change to Save the Planet

A Fair and Humane Immigration Policy

Racial Justice

Fighting for Women’s Rights

Fighting for LGBT Equality

Caring for Our Veterans

Medicare For All

Fighting for Disability Rights

Strengthen and Expand Social Security

Fighting to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Improving the Rural Economy

Reforming Wall Street

Real Family Values

War and Peace

War Should Be the Last Option: Why I Support the Iran Deal

Real Tax Reform Policies that Sen. Sanders Has Proposed

How Bernie pays for his proposals


10 thoughts on “Is Senator Bernie Sanders a con artist?

    • renxkyoko
      Yes, free stuff is seductive to our children, my problem is that our young voters and college students, are buying those impossible dreams that the “Pied Pipers” is dangling out in front of them,
      like a carrot on a string and they do not see the long stick keeping them from the carrot?


  1. Pingback: The Three Branches of Government | Shechaim Ohjieshans word of the day

  2. I’m not sure if this apply to all politicians, but majority of this kind of people in our country are “con-artists” promising the stars, the heaven, and the moon when they’re campaigning but ultimately give their constituents “hell” when they won and are already in “power”!


  3. I’m not sure if this apply to all politicians, but majority of this kind of people in our country are “con-artists” promising the stars, the heaven, and the moon when they’re campaigning but ultimately give their constituents “hell” when they won and are already in “power”!


  4. Pingback: A Great ‘Wish List’ for the Country | sachemspeaks

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