Eagle Feather meaning for a Native American Veteran

Welcome Montana State University City Billings Montana


Looking for eagle feather meaning for a native American veteran?

Your question is a little vague so to answer it I must poke around on many fronts if I may?

For a start, an Eagle all throughout Indian country is sacred and considered our messenger to and from Creator.

An Eagle Feather therefore is also considered sacred and blessed by our god (Creator).

Mind you that you live in Montana and I am an east coast native so some ceremonies are bound to be a little different, no internet, phones, trains, planes and automobiles or such for our ancestors to use?

If you are asking about a Native American Funeral Ceremony I believe that we all use an Eagle Feather in that and many other ceremonies.


Also, because I am from the east, we also believe that all bird of prey are sacred and follow a chain of command, so to speak in our ceremonies.


Also, in our ceremonies such as Grand Entry, a veteran runs the circle and carries an Eagle Feather.

As always

Glad to have your visit and am willing to answer any questions you might have?

I like it when you write comments, I love it when you have question.

Hope that this is of some help to you?

If not just write?



