Martin Luther King Day


Today is the King’s day

Martin Luther King Day

Must be careful with that I live in Central Florida.

While not able to wake up in time to actually think and we have a new trash day I put the containers out as usual, in the dark.

Then upset because the company was late, until I remembered that it is a holiday?

2015 Federal Holidays

Alas just as I was about to walk back to the curb, the first truck came?

What’s up with that?

We celebrate the day of Columbus a brutal butcher and not the day of a

“Peace Seeker”?

I know that if we in “Indian Country” were to drop Columbus day we would upset hundreds of Italians


If we drop Columbus day we will please millions of the first people of the land?

Native American Day 2015

If we make Martin Luther King Day ‘a holiday for all’ and not just a few,

( hence we should not have pick-up of trash on this day)


we will please tens of millions of people.


Wonder what the next move should be?

If you are working today, as many of my neighbors are,

think about this if you voted for those “Union Busters”!

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