This country has been in (dire striates) since December 3rd 2019

This country has been in (dire striates) since December 3rd 2019

Talk about a slow walk back into ‘Quicksand’!

Dire straits synonyms, dire straits antonyms –

Who was the Senate Majority Leader in 2019?

Senator Mitch McConnell (Do Nothing)!

2019 In Review: Majority Leader McConnell’s … – Senate

House Majority – Republican – House Speaker – Paul Ryan (R)

 Aquai/Aquine (

Mitch McConnell’s 2022 agenda once again to help this is?

Do nothing.

Isaiah 25:10

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large – Friday

“Mitch McConnell has told colleagues and donors Senate Republicans won’t release a legislative agenda before next year’s midterms, according to people who’ve attended private meetings with the minority leader,” reported Axios on Thursday.