Global warming blamed for much of wild weather


So, how many more times do we need to be knocked over the head before we admit that it hurts?

O K, how many more people need to suffer or die needlessly before we admit that we, the human race are killing Mother Earth and this is why the planet is getting sick and is having more and more floods and droughts, it is because of our pollution?

Studies Fault Warming in Much of 2013 Wild Weather

Scientists looking at 16 cases of wild weather around the world last year see the fingerprints of man-made global warming on more than half of them.

Researchers found that climate change increased the odds of nine extremes: Heat waves in Australia, Europe, China, Japan and Korea, intense rain in parts of the United States and India, and severe droughts in California and New Zealand. The California drought, though, comes with an asterisk.

Organized by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, researchers on Monday published 22 studies on 2013 climate extremes in a special edition of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.


FILE – In this Sept. 29, 2013 file photo, an Indian rickshaw puller sits atop the passenger seat to protect himself during heavy downpour in Allahabad, India. Scientists looking at 16 cases of wild weather around the world last year see the fingerprints of man-made global warming on more than half of them. Researchers found that climate change increased the odds of nine extremes: Heat waves in Australia, Europe, China, Japan and Korea, intense rain in parts of the United States and India, and severe droughts in California and New Zealand. (AP Photo/ Rajesh Kumar Singh, File)

Global warming blamed for much of wild weather in 2013

Researchers found that climate change increased the odds of nine extremes: heat waves in Australia, Europe, China, Japan and Korea, intense rain in parts of the United States and India, and severe droughts in California and New Zealand.

Scientists couldn’t find a global warming link to an early South Dakota blizzard, freak storms in Germany and the Pyrenees, heavy rain in Colorado, southern and central Europe, and a cold British spring.

Welcome Aboard is on the move

The mysterious site (blog) that I wrote about a few days ago has just been publisher.

USS Betelgeuse AKA 260 and our Military!

Welcome Aboard is on the move

WordPress is kings and queens of the web servers

We are making a big change to my navy blog at (Welcome Aboard)

because the server company sold us to a drastically inferior company that can no longer fight spammers

and they do not work on weekends and holidays, plus it is nearly impossible to reach a technician with a brain?

WordPress is kings and queens of the web servers so why would you go to any other?

Welcome Aboard Mates

The USS Waterford ARD-5

My Web Builder is Walking with the Alligators

Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

The FCC’s chairman was an industry lobbyist and venture capitalist.


He is just one of thousands of chairman and such, that were industry lobbyist’s and/or some type of venture capitalist, why do we allow this?

Government Takes on the Internet

INFLUENCE GAME: Government Takes on the Internet

Keep a keen eye on this one my friends!

This is just one reason why I want Lobbyist to go the way of the Edsel ?


Wheeler, a former industry lobbyist and venture capitalist is now “The FCC’s chairman”

Wouldn’t you think that this is an enormous conflict of interest?

FILE photo, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Should the company that supplies your Internet access be allowed to cut deals with online services like Netflix, Skype or YouTube to move their content faster?

That’s the question the FCC is tackling this fall after a record-setting 3.7 million people filed public comments on the subject, more than twice as many as those submitted to the regulatory agency after Janet Jackson’s infamous wardrobe malfunction at the 2004 Super Bowl.

Wheeler, a former industry lobbyist and venture capitalist, says deal cutting between broadband providers and content sites might be OK so long as the agreement is

“commercially reasonable”

and companies disclose publicly how they prioritize Internet traffic.

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh

“If Comcast and Time Warner — who already have a virtual monopoly on Internet service — have the ability to manage and manipulate Internet speeds and access to benefit their own bottom line, they will be able to filter content and alter the user experience,” said Barbara Ann Luttrell, 26, of Atlanta, in a recent submission to the FCC.

“Why should everyone subsidize fans of

‘House of Cards?'”

asked Michael Powell of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association,

a lobbying arm of the cable industry, referring to the popular Netflix series.

Fresh water for California

Fresh water for California

Desalination plant to provide water supply to California

In the news today and for the last few day’s it would seem that everyone reporting about this is hung up on, $1 billion on less than 10% of the water supply needed in Southern California?

Plant to produce 50 million gallons of drinking water a day, California is desperate for water so they are cutting a pipeline directly from the surfing waves to a desalination plant to remove the salt.

Yes, if you stop this story at this point, the plant sounds like another giant waste of money?

However, the people reporting this are from areas of the country now facing flood water, care to read the rest of the story?

Guess what else is in Southern California?

San Joaquin Valley in San Diego California.

So, what you might be saying.

Well, San Joaquin Valley San Diego California is the country if not the world’s largest producer of fresh vegetables and it is hurting for fresh water.

Can one truly put a price tag on drinking water, let alone water for our food?

Nation’s largest desalination plant looking to provide drought-proof water supply to Southern California

I have an idea,

Surprise, Surprise.

What is it that California always has a lot of, ‘besides many intelligent people,’ after all San Diego California was also the first to build a great Waste to Energy Plant?

Winds, Waves and the Sun!

This means alternative energy for power.

Something must pump or pull the saltwater to and/or from the desalination plant, why not use as much, if not all of the power from alternative energy?

By doing this the fishing will also improve, more food for everyone.

Abernakis in NH

Abernakis in NH

Charlebois points to the issue of team names, like Redskins, and T-shirts at the University of North Dakota depicting an Indian in headdress with the words “Siouxper Drunk” emblazoned across the front as stereotypes that persist no matter how many cultural events Native Americans hold.

“Having exposure to a culture that is not your own is always enriching,” Charlebois said of the upcoming events.

“Culturally appropriate education is out there.

But stereotypical imagery of Native people is still prevalent.

Non-native people feel like they are entitled to our culture, and they aren’t really concerned whether it’s culturally appropriate. And it dehumanizes us. And anything that dehumanizes a people is dangerous.”

And if there are people out there who don’t fit that stereotype, it makes it easy to forget they are here today or that they were ever here at all.

While growing up around my grandfathers meetings the elders

“Including Chief Homer and his daughter April”

called the people Wabenaki (now known as Abenaki)?

This is what is happen all over Indian Country even among tribe to tribe, even today?

Sachem ( She-Chaim) Uncas (Unkas)/ Chief Homer St. Francis

Chief Homer St. Francis

The Story of Soldier Wolf

The Story of Soldier Wolf

A Korean War Veteran returns home to another Enemy?

This story has been repeated throughout this country’s history and the sad this is,

It is still going on today!

If you do not believe me “Look in the Woods.”

Soldier Wolf’s 101-year-old grandmother, Pretty Nose, was a veteran herself and her red, black and white beaded cuffs meant she was an Arapaho war chief. She had fought in the Battle of Little Big Horn, in which the Arapaho, Lakota and Northern Cheyenne defeated George Armstrong Custer and the 7th Cavalry in a stunning battle.

“When she saw me coming across the field, she started to sing a war song,” said Soldier Wolf. “It was really something when she sang that song. It didn’t sadden me, just put more strength into me and I wished I could have just stayed there with that song.” (Click on this highlighted text to hear Soldier Wolf sing the song)

While many Korean War veterans returned home to receive benefits such as job placement and home loans from the Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act, Mark Soldier Wolf came back to Wyoming only to be treated like a second-class citizen, a man whose land and home could be taken from him, even if by legal means.

“I fought for this Uncle Sam and his red, white and blue,” said Soldier Wolf, 83.

And then, he believes, Uncle Sam kicked him out of his home, polluted his land and left him with war nightmares and the daily insult of looking at an industrial site where his family used to be.

Seminoles donate $500,000

Why have Casinos all over Florida?

The Seminole Tribe donated $1.26 million to Florida politicians in the

‘last two years’,

How long has Rick Scott been governor?

including $500,000 to a political committee helping Scott’s re-election

and another $400,000 to the Republican Party of Florida.

How much would have gone into people’s pockets?

The tribe has given $95,000 to the Florida Democratic Party.

Scott’s main rival in the race has not said much about the Seminoles or gambling during the campaign so far.

A spokesman said Crist has an “open mind” about another deal with the tribe, but he also wants any money from a compact to go to education.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s staff nearly reached a multi-billion dollar deal with the Seminole Indian tribe that would have allowed it to add roulette and craps at its South Florida casinos, documents obtained by The Associated Press show.

Governors Scotts Casino Deal with Hard Rock Indian Reservation

Check this out.

I am a Native American living in Florida.

I am not a native of Florida however, if one digs into it, there are no Native Americans living in Florida that are native to Florida,.

The original natives were killed or transported (re-located) hundreds of years ago.


let’s build a Casino Reservation in Central Florida?

Put your tongue back in your mouth, I am against gaming however, thousands of Floridians do fit the requirement and are open to the idea?

Recession since Dec. ’07

It’s official: Recession since Dec. ’07

The National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday that the U.S. has been in a recession since December 2007, making official what most Americans have already believed about the state of the economy .

George W. Bush was president from January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009

He also had congress under his wing helping pass anything and everything he asked for.

Barack Obama assumed office January 20, 2009 and the recession was not even called a recession until 2007 however, the republicans in congress are blaming this recession on his presidency?

Remember, by no means has this president or anyone else been able to get this republican controlled congress to do anything for this country.

Even so, people are blaming this president?

20% of Workers Laid Off in Past 5 Years

“Do Nothing Congress!”

Roughly a fifth of U.S. workers, or an estimated 30 million, were laid off in the past five years according to a new surgery from Rutgers University.

Do Nothing Congress!”

According to that same survey about 22% of those who lost their jobs still are unemployed.

Do Nothing Congress!”

Almost half are in jobs that pay less than their old ones, and nearly 40% said it took more than seven months to find a job.

Do Nothing Congress!”

And still the people in this country blame this president?

The NBER is a private group of leading economists charged with dating the start and end of economic downturns. It typically takes a long time after the start of a recession to declare its start because of the need to look at final readings of various economic measures.

The NBER said that the deterioration in the labor market throughout 2008 was one key reason why it decided to state that the recession began last year.

Proposed rules would slow boat traffic in Pinellas

“This was hidden away in the middle of page A-4!”

Proposed rules would slow boat traffic along intra coastal to help manatees

Proposed rules would slow boat traffic in Pinellas

The Associated Press

09/26/2014 3:06 AM


The perennial Florida debate over whether to protect boaters or manatees is heating up again in Pinellas County, where state officials are proposing rules that would slow traffic along the Intracoastal Waterway.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is reconsidering speed limits because of a rise in manatee deaths. Officials have identified 21 areas along Pinellas waterways that might warrant half-mile “slow speed” zones.

The public will be allowed to comment on changes to the 46-mile highway for boaters, which runs from the mouth of the Anclote River to Egmont Key.

Low-speed boating zones to protect manatees proposed for Pinellas’ Intracoastal

The Tampa Bay Times


reports that some boaters say there’s no need for speed zones.


The perennial Florida debate over which to protect — boaters or manatees? — is heating up again in Pinellas County, where state officials are proposing rules that would slow traffic along the Intracoastal Waterway.

Orlando VA homelessness

Orlando Stand Down Veteran Homelessness Event

Dozens of volunteers and about 25 agencies set up booths to provide information and services to homeless veterans during the event.

Hot meals were served; bicycles were given away. Dentists performed exams and flu shots were administered. Okaloosa County Judge Patt Maney ran a veterans court program, helping find ways to keep misdemeanor offenses from sending veterans to jail.

By midday the event had already drawn 200 people, a significant increase from last year.

“I think it’s important for us to show the homeless and the homeless veterans they are not forgotten,” said veteran Bill VanHoesen, the lead organizer of the event

photos from the event.

Last years event