

A Traditionalist Spiritual (Teacher) cannot receive awards

for carrying out Creators (Kiehtan), Wishes.

Blessings from Kiehtan for a long healthy life.

From Shechaim Ohjieshan of the Moiigan people.

Please always remember that the posting in this blog

speaks only from the hearts of the ancestors of

The Moiigans (Maïngan – Yáw – Wolf-People)!

Our first village

Uncasvillage also known as (Turtle hill ) is the oldest village of my people in New England.

As our tribe, while being forced to move, moved into this area as farmers (Moiingans) the hill on the river made a great place to watch for any enemy.

The land along the river being good farm land also reminded them of their homeland along the Great lakes area.

On this page I wish to explain why I am writing my information about my people.

The Indigenous Eastern Woodland American Traditional Natives people of Indian Country.

Because I was one of a few very fortunate children growing up in New England, Uncasvillage in Connecticut, that was able to sit with the elders in my youth.

My Grandfather the then Shechaim of the people, held his monthly meetings around that New England/New York area at different places so as to make it easier for our elders to make meetings.

He also always invited guests from all other tribes at each monthly meetings.

The reason why I consider myself fortunate would be because in the 40s 50s and 60s there were no children my age around our house to play with so I got to go to his meetings every weekend and holidays and some evenings and sit at the feet, so to speak, of these elders and learn about our past and our traditions.

I am now an elder with no one around to teach, so I am putting their knowledge on my blog sites for all to learn and to question!


Please do question?

” The only dumb question is the question that you think of, but are
afraid to ask!”


You will find the true information on our Spirituality, Regalia, Pipe Traditions,

Prayer ,Prayer Pouches and much more.

On this page of this blog I want to introduce you to Eastern Woodland American Traditional Native People and why the names Moiigan (Mohegan and Pequot) should not, cannot, be used in any
sentence with gambling as in the word bingo, lottery, or casino.

The way life was before first contact, the way life is now after first contact and the way life would be if our people were left alone.

Just because we the traditionalist long for life as it should be, does not mean that we wish to still hunt, fish and farm on foot with makeshift clothing and weapons, there is no longer a reason to hunt in this land unless it is just for a man’s ego!

We find no reason why all of the people on Mother Earth would not get along without taking and never giving.

Yes, it is true that we believe that everything belongs to Creator and that Creator allows us to borrow, that is why you will always find that no traditional will ever keep anything except a family.

If our ancestors were alive today they would enjoy everything science can provide and I know that many of them would be proud to join in through schooling.

I will introduce you to Creator and why we believe that Creator is neither man or woman.

Just what is a Traditional American Native person Shechaim (Sachems) and why there is said to be no living Sachems and of course why this is not true.

Chiefs and a real chief position in our traditional American Native tribe.

Clan mothers, Clan Grandmothers, Grandfathers and their position with our people.

Medicine men Medicine Women and the real reason why you should never know

who they are.

Uncasvillage, Turtle hill, Turtle Island, Spirituality, Unkas.

Shamans, Warlocks, Witches and why there was none and still should not be any in our traditional way of life.

Casinos and why we the traditional will never own or join one.

Science and why I know that our ancestors believed and used science.

Aquine and why we use the word even now, the word Aquai and why we also still use this word.

A very old elder ( now ancestor) in my Grandfather tribe once told me
that ” The only dumb question is the question that you think of, but are
afraid to ask!”

I need to be sure that it is understood that the sources for some of this information was handed down by my Grandfather and other Elders and some was from other sources.

All of these teachings by my Elders, took place at our monthly meetings, while I was growing up in Uncasvillage. As computers, telephones or libraries did not exist in the time of Sachem Uncas, it would be nearly impossible to say that there is any source about him that is perfect.

It is very disturbing to me and my family to read all of the so-called true stories about not only Sachem Uncas, but the Mohegan people as well, written by those

who are neither Mohegan, nor even Native.

How can one be an expert without living the story?

I was one of a few very fortunate children growing up in New England Uncasvillage Connecticut to be exact.

My Grandfather held his monthly meetings around that area at different places so as to make it easier for our elders to make meetings.

He also always invited guests from all other tribes at each monthly meetings. The reason why I consider myself fortunate would be because in the 40s 50s and 60s there were no children my age around our house to play with so I got to go to his meetings every weekend and holiday and sit at the feet, so to speak, of these elders and learn about our past and our traditions. I am now an elder with no one around to teach, so I am putting their knowledge on web sites for all to learn and to question!

Please do question.

You will find the true information on our Spirituality, Regalia, Pipe Traditions, Prayer ,Prayer Pouches and much more.

If The Occult- Witches, Warlocks, Witchcraft, Wicca, Sorcery and Paganism beliefs do not belong in Traditional Eastern Woodland Native American gatherings, how did they get their?

The Irish, Scottish, and Wales people came to Indian country they brought their religions with them.

The Irish Scotland and Welch are not Native Americans.

The Vikings came to Indian Country from the east and landed on the northeastern shores.

These people brought their knowledge and beliefs along with them.

They are not Native Americans.

Viking beliefs and myths.

The Scandinavian beliefs developed out of the original common mythology of the Germanic people which originated in, and developed from, India and the Vedas, Brahminism known as Keralaiyers. Brahmanism or about sacrificing to many gods.

The Mayans, Incas and Aztecs all came from Mexico they are natives however, none of them settled into the Eastern Woodland area.

The Mayans were found in southern Mexico and northern Central America.

Mayan religion worship  the gods of sun, rain and corn with rituals of human sacrifice.

The Incas spread through what is now Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile.

The Inca worshipped the dead. They practiced daily offering and sacrifices.

The Aztec religion was dominated by human sacrifice.

Native Americans believe in Creator and all of the creations without sacrificing anything.

Traditional Native Americans make terrible politicians.

A traditionalist is taught from creation by Creator to be caring, sincere, and generous, they are taught from birth that it is better to give then receive.

As stated in earlier blogging if you wish to gift a traditional native American and do not want that gift given away, do not give the gift!

Because of this, a traditionalist is poor and never greedy, therefore if elected they would be eaten alive by predators.

It has come to our attention that people wish to profit from our writings? Donna,( trained 8 years in college about indigenous people and has been working closely with our attorneys making sure that the rights to write and any/all would be income gets to our indigenous people.
One is always allowed to enjoy the writings, re-blog with credit, writing to profit is a direct insult to our ancestors.
Copyright © 1982-2020- Shechaim Ohjieshan (Walkingfox) All rights reserved Watermark template. Powered by Blogger.

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Shechaim Ohjieshan clan flag


5 thoughts on “Index

  1. I have enjoyed reading and learning about the Mohiigan native American Indian and I plan on visiting more frequently.
    I belong to the Amarillo Genealogy society here in Amarillo Texas. When I was young I had heard that my family had some Indian blood but I never knew where it came from. While looking into my roots I found that back in the 1750 my Grandfather married a woman name Mary Blue Sky Cornstalk. I also fond she was a Shawnee from Ohio. I am interested to learn more about her and her family but I am not sure where to start looking. Again thank you for this blog and for listening to me ramble on.
    Have a blessed Day


    • Jim
      The only way to be sure that it is accurate is to dig into it yourself, a good start would be the Ohio genealogy society department microchips and the Latter day saints website.
      Some blood is all that is needed my friend!
      I have been to the Shawnee’s of Indiana people a few times in the past, good people.
      Blessings from Creator back at you!


  2. Pingback: Barking and Dagenham/ Witney Oxfordshire United Kingdom | sachemspeaks

  3. Pingback: Northcote Victoria Australia | sachemspeaks

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